(A Registered Charity No 1174761)
To All Hirers
- Farnborough Village Hall (FVH) have agreed that the Conditions of Hire as set out below shall be provided to all Regular Hirers as a reference of their commitment and responsibilities.
- The dates, duration and charges for the Hire will be agreed in advance of the first booking by the Hirer and the Letting Officer and maybe subject to ratification by FVH Management. All charges are subject to review at the Farnborough Village Hall AGM which is normally held in June. Regular hirers (i.e. principal key holder or otherwise agreed representative) will normally be invoiced monthly in advance. Exception to this arrangement requires agreement of FVH Management. Hirers are expected to settle their account within 28 days.
- There is a minimum charge of two hours for each hire session and the hall capacity is 120.
Keys, Access and Occupancy
- Keys to the Hall are issued for the convenience of Regular Hirers and to mitigate caretaking costs. Access to the Hall is limited strictly for the purpose and to the times officially booked with the Letting Officer, any variation or extension must be agreed in advance with the Letting Officer. Cancellation of these agreed times is subject to a minimum period of 14 days notice or in exceptional circumstances agreed by FVH Management.
- Hirers hold keys to the Hall entirely at the discretion of FVH Management. They must be held by a nominated person or persons on behalf of the organisation concerned and should not be passed on to any unauthorised person for the sake of convenience. Exception to this arrangement needs to be agreed with FVH Management.
- The Letting Officer must be advised of the name, address and telephone number of all nominees authorised by the hiring organisation to be key holders and these key holders will be held responsible for any misuse of the Hall or its amenities during the designated period of hire. It is important that any changes to the nominated persons be likewise advised to the Letting Officer. FVH reserves the right to levy financial penalties, cancel further bookings and withdraw keys in the event of such misuse. Hirers should check the Hall on arrival and if issues need resolution contact the Lettings Officer ASAP. This Is so that issues can be raised with the previous user and if repairs are required, properly recharged. Any queries on the terms and conditions of hiring should be referred to the Letting Officer at bookings@farnboroughvillagehall.org or 07591 338666.
- Hirers shall indemnify FVH Trustees and/or FVH Management against any claim which may arise out of the hiring or which may be made by any person resorting to the Hall during the hiring in respect of any loss, damage or injury to person or property. FVH, it’s Agents or Servants, shall not be responsible or liable for injuries or damage sustained by any person or property during or consequent upon the hiring, nor shall the Committee be liable or responsible for any act or omission on the part of the hirer. Any defect in the fabric or equipment in the Hall should be reported to Lettings Officer and they will decide if immediate action is required. The hirer should also report the matter to the FVH Lettings Officer and any resulting serious injury by email (bookings@farnboroughvillagehall.org asap, for record purposes and possible further subsequent action if required.
- No smoking or vaping is allowed inside the Hall. Any smoking or vaping must take place outside the Hall building, preferably next to the paladin bin.
- Heating in the main hall is controlled ONLY by the thermostat located to the left of the double doors leading to the side entrance hall and toilets. No-one should attempt to adjust thermostats on the radiators they are FIXED. Repairs to damaged thermostats will be recharged to the hirer concerned.
- In order that the safety of members of the public is not compromised, the hirer shall be fully responsible for ensuring that all indicated fire exits from the Hall are kept free from obstruction during the period of hire. (Please note the Hall does not provide a first aid kit).
- Under the terms of the Food Safety (General Food Hygiene) Regulations 1995, the Hall kitchen is deemed unsuitable for the preparation and/or cooking of food. Any food prepared elsewhere and brought to the Hall is the responsibility of the hirer. The Hall does not provide cutlery or crockery, only kettles. We do not permit warming plates, hot water urns or similar.
- When vacating the Hall after use, Hirers are required to leave the premises in a clean and tidy condition. Chairs in the main Hall should be placed singly unlocked around the walls (excluding the stage front), taking care particularly when placing chairs in front of the radiators. Any chairs taken off the stage must be replaced as found. If the large tables have been used, these must be dismantled and returned to the rear corridor stacked neatly, and secured by the chain, likewise the smaller tables returned to their positions in the entrance hall. If the kitchen has been used, kettles are to be emptied and put away. The toilets are to be left clean.
- Hirers must ensure that all doors (including fire doors) have been secured and all lights (including those round the rear of the hall and in the toilets!) are turned off, that all taps have been turned off and the wall thermostat in the main hall turned down to 16 degrees.
Fixtures and Fittings
- In the event of any problem with or damage to the fabric of the Hall or the Hall equipment during the period of hire (eg. lighting, heating, furniture etc;) the hirer should contact the Lettings Offices and they will decide if immediate action is required and the Letting Officer: bookings@farnboroughvillagehall.org.
- No attempt should be made by the Hirer to correct, repair or alter any of the fixtures or fittings to the Hall. This is the responsibility of FVH.
- Please read all FVH policies including the FVH Health & Safety Policy, the Fire Risk Assessment and the Safeguarding Policy. These are published on the noticeboard between the gents and ladies toilet doors.
Updated May 2024